Monday, November 24, 2014

Bringing the Periodicity in Periods with irregular menstruation treatment

Menstruation is a natural phenomenon witnessed in women in which periodic discharge of blood and tissue from the inner lining of the uterus takes place through the vagina. This is commonly known as a menstrual 'period' owing to its periodicity. A healthy menstrual cycle is regular and periodic with a period of 24-31 days between two consecutive cycles.

There can be some irregularity during the initial months after puberty and for some months before menopause. A woman also stops menstruating during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. In these cases, treatment is usually not necessary. So what we really need is a treatment for irregular menstruation.

Menstruation gets its periodicity from the hormonal balance in the endocrine system. Generally, missing a few menstrual periods is an indicator of some underlying hormonal imbalance due to abrupt lifestyle changes, stress or in least but extreme cases medical issues like IUD or presence of Uterine fibroid.

Mostly lifestyle adjustments are enough to ease irregular periods although in some extreme cases medical help is required. The following steps can help with a healthy alternative to irregular menstruation treatment:

•    Exercise- Plan a consistent workout schedule for about 5 days a week. Be regular and moderate with the exercise regime. Avoid abrupt weight gain or loss. Don't be extreme in your workout schedules.

•    Increase intake of healthy food -Add good amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet and and decrease intake of refined carbohydrates. Reduce alcohol and caffeine intake.
•    Complement diet with multivitamins and other health supplements- In today's day and age with adulteration at its epitome, sometimes just healthy food isn't enough for complete nutrition. So, basic diet should be complemented with multivitamins and other natural health supplements.

•    Include meditation, yoga and other methods of stress relief- Stress is one major cause of irregular periods and with increasing women working force, stress is mostly inevitable. But we can always turn to meditation and yoga to soothe our tense mind and body. Other methods of stress relief can also be inculcated in your schedule.

•    Drink a lot of water- Water is one major constituent of the human body and a hydrated body is a good health indicator. Consume a decent amount of water according to your day's requirement and more during periods. An adequate amount of water helps keep body salts in balance.

It is very rare that lifestyle adjustments don't help with the irregularity but in those cases, the cause is not superficial and you should consider consulting the doctor for Hormone therapy (HT).  As mentioned above, the major reason behind irregular periods is imbalance in the hormonal level. Lifestyle improvements are advisable but if irregularity still exists, consider hormone therapy.

Surgery is another extreme option but it is important to understand that medications and surgery have a high risk of side effects and hence should be avoided for irregular menstruation treatment. Some of these side effects can overshadow the benefits. So, while considering this approach, it is advisable to speak with your doctor.

Many women are now agreeing that a balanced combination of lifestyle changes and hormone-regulating supplements is the most efficient way to regulate their periods.
Happy Periods!

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