Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Best Natural Remedies for constipation

Constipation encourages the regular visits of a person to a place from where you can say that you feel comfortable. But, that only possible if you could properly clear your bowels and you could feel that your stomach is light. but due to certain changes in the internal system of the body (which could be due to various reasons like improper diet or due to lack of movement etc.), the free movement of the waste materials in the stomach which are due to be extracted from the body gets restricted making a person to the attacks of constipation (when bowels does not get cleared properly)

 Natural Home Remedies for Constipation, by Rosie2010

There are certain natural constipation remedies that encourage the free movement of the waste products towards the duct that helps in clearing. These remedies involve the movement of the stomach muscles that in turn does not allow the water materials to get settled anywhere.

There are certain yoga postures that encourage the natural constipation remedies. In these postures, it involves the movement of the stomach muscles and the large and small intestines. The stomach muscles when moved in various directions could help in clearing the waste materials that are stuck up in different locations.


Some of the poses that could help in clearing the blocked gases an could act as natural constipation remedies are-:

Cobbler pose:

This is a very effective pose when it comes to the terms of clearing the constipation. It involves sitting like a cobbler mending shoes. A person needs to sit on the floor with thighs extended outward and knees bend inwards and feet touching each other. It helps in clearing the symptoms of constipation.

Gas clearing pose:

This involves lying on the floor with straight legs. Now bend your legs and raise your hips slightly above the ground. At the same time raise your head above the ground and try to touch your forehead with your knees. By brining your knees towards your head as much as possible. Use your hands in doing so. Benefit for stuck up gas in the stomach.

Forward bending pose:

In this, one needs to stand firm on the ground with both feet touching each other. Then bend forward. And try to touch the toes without even a slight bend in your knees. You knees should be straight at all times. The forward bend exerts pressure on the intestines which help in clearing the blockage.

 Home remedies to beat constipation

Halasana (90 degrees pose)

In this pose, lie straight on the ground. With both feet touching each other. Then slowly raise your legs and by raising your hips, bring your legs at 90 degree angle to the ground. Your neck and head should not leave the ground while doing the while process.

Some of the natural constipation remedies that could give much needed relief when it comes to the stomach the movement of which is restricted. Yoga poses could be very beneficial in giving relief.

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