Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Treatment of Natural Skin Care

These Natural Skin Care treatments are the basic common treatments that could be practiced easily while experiencing the benefits of nature. These treatments can be practiced on the basis of as is where basis is. These natural applications for the benefit of skin do not require special series of applications that needs to be applied on the skin for its care.


These are just simple applications that give the desired results and the results could be seen not overnight but it does require some time when the actual results could be visible. These applications could be practiced from the comforts of the home or while you are driving a car. These also does not require any special training but these just require some of the time which if devoted properly and with some proper devotion could definitely show some good results.


There are various types of these applications. Some common of them which could be practiced easily are:

• Apply a film of pure castor oil on the face. This application slows down the aging process of the face and also it removes any traces of wrinkles on the face. It also brings a whitening glow to the skin.


• Put a film of pure raw honey directly taken out of the beehive on the palm of your hands and spread it equally on your hands. Then rub this spreader on your face thoroughly. Leave it on your face for around 10 minutes. Then gently rinse it off using warm water and gently pat it to dry. This lets your skin spread its glow.


• Take a small piece of cotton and dip it thoroughly in the unboiled milk. Then apply it on your face. Let your skin spread it’s glowness in all directions.

• Chalk out a strategy to make some diet plans for yourself. The nutritious diet tops up the essential lost body elements- vitamin, carbohydrates and other minerals etc.
• Proper and scheduled exercise if practiced daily can help you glow. Exercise increases the blood circulation to every part of the body. This increased circulation of blood helps the body to repair out the damaged cells in the body and the skin. The repair carried out helps in restoring the originality of the glow.
• Processed sugar should be avoided if it is not possible to eliminate it form the intake.

• The beautiful berries – black, blue as well as rasp also add to the beautiful skin tone.

• Prepare a mixed combination of rose water, cucumber juice as well as glycerin and apply it on the face to get your skin glow. Keep a part of this mixture in the refrigerator for further use.


These are some of the trusted Natural Skin Care methods which could help in getting the original glow which had lost to its full gloom and spread it’s whitening all around you.

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