Monday, August 11, 2014

Yoga Exercises to Increase Number of Counts in your Sperm

The number of counts in the sperm of a male is responsible for the fertilization of new life in the womb of a female. These counts are the floating orgasms in the semen which interact with the eggs in female. The interaction between the two orgasms gives birth to a new life which grows up with time and finally comes to this world at stipulated time.

Due to certain disorders in a male, the numbers of counts are not sufficient and up to its minimal limits. But there are certain methods which could be helpful to increase sperm count  

Let’s us discuss some of the yoga postures which help to increase sperm count.


Increase Sperm Count

Lie on your back and raise your feet above the ground. When your feet are at 90 degrees to the floor, raise your hips and try to bring your feet behind your head and if possible touch your feet with the ground and in this whole exercise, your head should firmly rest on the floor. While performing this yoga, palms of both the hands should firmly rest on the ground.


Increase Sperm Count

Lie on your back and bend your knees. Try to bring your feet as backwards as possible. Try to hold your ankles with your hands. Inhale and lift your back as high as possible resting your shoulders and feet on the ground .Do not exert yourself. Close your eyes and focus.  Repeat it for four times daily.

Agnisaar Kriya:

Stand straight while keeping your feet apart from each other. Now, slowly bend yourself and keep your hands on your knees. Now exhale the whole of the air inside your body and remain in that position for some time. During this period, pull your abdominal muscles inside. Then inhale and repeat this exhaling and inhaling cycle for four times.

Bhastrika Pranayam:

Increase Sperm Count

Sit your back straight position with your legs folded as if sitting in Padasana. Place your hands on your knees with palms facing outward and fingers folded.  First exhale to full and then inhale to full capacity, while exhaling and then inhaling, you must equals both the air pressures. Repeat it till your capacity and slowly increase the number of times this exhaling and inhaling is done


Lie on your stomach and lift your feet upward and try to hold your ankles with your hands. Inhale the air and then exhale equally and there should not be any difference in the quantity of inhaled air and exhaled air. Repeat this number of times and slowly increase the capacity every day.

Ashawani Mudra:

Sit as if you are sitting In Padamasana. Pull your lower abdominal muscles up and relax in this position. Repeat this for many a times and for many sets together.

Increase Sperm Count

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