Thursday, May 15, 2014

Treatment on how to increase Sperm Count

 “Increase Sperm Count is a question that may be in the minds of millions of people around the world. These questions arise because there are not enough sperm counts in the semen. Sperm Count in the semen contributes to the fertilization of eggs and produces life. To tackle the situation of low sperm count, the best remedy the best remedy is to increase sperm count. Increasing the sperm count is a must as sperms play a very important part in the fertilization of eggs.

Increase Sperm Count

There are different ways to increase sperm count.

Water :
Include enough water in daily routine. It is must to drink to drink at least 8 – 10 glasses of water every day

Fruit Salad :

Eat enough fruit salad in daily routine as increases the chances of fertilization. Fruit salad must include cherries, antioxidant fruits, and oranges.

Eggs :
Eggs are rich in Vitamin E. A deficiency of Vitamin E in the body is responsible for the under use of testical tissue resulting in low sperm count. So to increase sperm count, eggs should be taken on regular basis.

Bananas :
Eat enough Bananas as Bananas are a rich source of Vitamins.

Garlic :
Garlic contains chemical called allicin which enhances the blood flow to the geneticals thus increasing the sperm count.

Pomegranates contains anti oxidants that lower down the chemical levels in the blood that lowers the sperm count. So to increase sperm count, it is must to have pomegranates on regular basis.

Increase Sperm Count
  • Avoid using spicy, hot and bitter food.
  • Nuts and seeds are the best to increase sperm count. Nuts and seeds that could be eaten include pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, cashew nuts, almonds.
  • Ashwaghandha is another herb that increases the sperm count level.
  • Stress,Worry,Strain are bad habits that lower the sperm count. Keep these away from the body to increase sperm count.
  • Avoid Drugs,Alcohol,Tobacco,Processed Foods.
  • Keep away from using too much hot water bath.
  • Green vegetables like spinach contain folic acid. Folic acid proves very beneficial factor that enhances the sperm count level.
  • Another good option could be to try a few yoga exercises
 Increase Sperm Count

These are some of the methods that could be used to increase the sperm count level as sperm count is the main contributing factor in the fertilization of eggs.

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