is not a big problem sometimes we are laughing on this situation but
longtime constipation can be very painful. When any person suffering
from constipation than he wants quick relief from it. There are many
home remedies are for constipation like exercise, fiber and herbs are
some remedies for constipation.

Constipation is a digestive disorder and many times in our life we are suffering from it. Any age of people can suffer from constipation. There are many causes of constipation like unhealthy diet, dehydration, smoking, alcohol and less exercise can lead to constipation. Here are some natural constipation remedies which help to get rid out of constipation very quickly.

Natural Remedies for Constipation
Eat more Fiber: Increase your fiber intake because lack of fiber in body is a reason of constipation. Fiber is one of the best and wonderful treatments from constipation patients. Study recommended daily 20 to 35 gram fiber in a day to prevent from constipation. Whole grains, dried beans, oatmeal’s and pears are great source of fiber.
Use Triphala Power Herb: Triphala powder is India’s old remedy for stomach related problem. Triphala powder consists of three herbs named Amalaki, Bibhitaki and Haritaki. All these herbs are natural and very effective in constipation. Properties of Triphala powder prevent from many stomach related diseases. So you can use it regularly it creates no side effects on your body.

Eat Raisins: Rains are very effective remedy to get rid out of constipation. These little snacks are rich in fiber and help to prevent from constipation. In constipation takes some rains and soak them in a bowl of water. Eat these raisins in the morning with empty stomach. It will help to improve your bowl movement and keeps you prevent from constipation.
Drink lemon Juice: Lemon juice filled with vitamin C, which helps to prevent from stool passing problem. In constipation we are suffering from hard stool problem. Lemon juice helps to in smooth passing stool and prevent from constipation. In constipation take 1 glass of water and boil it for time. Add 1 lemon juice in it and drink it with empty stomach in the morning. It helps to detox your body and removes all the infections and bacteria from your body which can cause constipation.

Grapes: Grapes are very beneficial in constipation, kidney diseases, heart diseases and indigestion. Grapes are rich in vitamin A, C, B6, potassium and iron. Grapes contain special types of flavonoids which are known as energetic antioxidant. They are contains some useful properties which are very useful in constipation like fiber, organic acid and sugar.
Honey: Honey is our old remedy for constipation. It contains some antioxidant which helps to fight against constipation. You can use 1 tea spoon of honey after your meal 3 times in day. It will help to prevent from constipation.

These are some natural constipation remedies which help to get rid out constipation very easily.
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